Want A Stress-Free Vacation? Use This Vacation Planning Guide



Picture this: the sun on your face, the sand between your toes, or the whispering winds through lush mountain forests. The prospect of a vacation is undoubtedly exciting. But what if the glow of your getaway fades when you open your mailbox a few weeks later to find a daunting credit card bill? We believe your vacation should leave you with great memories, not financial stress. In this comprehensive blog, we'll help you craft a spending plan to ensure your trip is both unforgettable and financially stress-free.

Step 1: Define Your Vacation Goals: Every vacation is unique. Do you seek adventure, relaxation, cultural exploration, or perhaps a blend of experiences? Before diving into budgets and bookings, understand your vacation objectives. This clarity will guide your entire planning process.

Step 2: Create Your Spending Plan: Here's the essence of your vacation planning – the spending plan. A well-thought-out budget will empower you to enjoy your vacation without...

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How To Improve Communication Around Money With Your Spouse?


In the dynamic landscape of personal finance, healthy communication around money is the cornerstone of financial harmony. Whether you're navigating the complexities of budgeting, aspiring for a debt-free future, or wealth building the key lies in fostering a culture of healthy money communication with your spouse. In this blog post, we unravel a game-changing tip for couples striving to stay on top of their finances while aligning their visions.

The experts and Accountable Network have found that a couple that is aligned and communicating well gets exponentially more traction than those that aren’t and the best tool to encourage this key behavior/habit is to prioritize a consistent time each week where you will visit about important life topics. We call it the Weekly Meeting.

Unlocking Financial Focus: The Standing Weekly Meeting

One of the most potent habits observed among the financially affluent is their ability to stay focused. To cultivate this focus, establishing...

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7 Effective Ways To Talk To Kids About Money - A Lighthearted Guide


Money is a fundamental part of life, and understanding its value is crucial. As parents, we have the privilege and responsibility of teaching our children about money, ensuring they are equipped to make informed financial decisions. However, this doesn't have to be a daunting task filled with lectures and "don't do that" moments. In this blog, we'll explore a more enjoyable and productive approach to teaching your kids about money.

Let’s start by 'Setting the Stage' for a great conversation

  1. Keep it Light: Discussing money with your kids doesn't have to be a dry lecture. Approach the topic with a light-hearted, positive attitude. The goal is to create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing money and is open to learning.
  2. Reduce Distractions: Modern life is filled with distractions, from smartphones to TV. When you're talking about money with your child, eliminate these diversions. Have a genuine, focused conversation with eye contact and...
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3 Reasons Why Your Church Should Invest In A Financial Wellness Program

A holistic financial wellness program can help your congregation in more ways than one. It can help church members heal their relationship with their finances, align their money habits with their spiritual values, and become generous givers and grateful stewards of God's Kingdom. 

Further, financial wellness programs can also be beneficial for church leaders. They can help church leaders save time and energy they would've otherwise spent solving their congregation's financial problems, leaving them free to focus on other important church matters. 

Here are 3 key reasons why a financial wellness program can make a world of difference to your church and congregation.


1) Reduce Church Members’ Financial Stress 







One of the biggest benefits of hosting a holistic financial wellness program in the church is having less stressed church members. 

Growing up, most of us weren’t even taught basic financial...

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How to Support Employees with a Holistic Financial Wellness Program


Is There Really a Need?

The importance of creating an inclusive culture is vital to designing a workplace where all employees can flourish and do their best work - resulting in ideal business outcomes. Companies that care about employee comprehensive wellness and support them in multiple areas of their lives, are places which draw and retain the best people.

What is a Holistic Financial Wellness Program?

Financial wellness is the ability of a person to precisely check their present financial position, identify personal goals, and be motivated to achieve the knowledge, support and resources to create behavioral change.

Money impacts all areas of our lives: health, faith, relationships, career, etc.  Make sure your wellness program does more than financial investments.  Going deeper impacts the root cause of issues and the driving force for transformation... the habits, behaviors and mindsets... not the symptoms like a budgeting form or meeting with an adviser to...

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What Is A Financial Accountability Coach?

Most people believe that to win with money, you need to be naturally good at numbers, investing wisely and slapping your wrist when you want to eat out for the 5th time in a week. 

But wealth-building and financial fulfillment involve a lot more than just numbers and sacrifice. 

Your attitudes and behaviors around money are shaped by your life experiences, your relationship with scarcity and abundance, the conversations around money that took place around you as a child, and many, many other subtle and invisible factors.

These internalized money mindsets can, in turn, impact your approach to money and impair your peace, happiness and well-being in ways you may not even recognize.

For instance, if you and your partner frequently argue about your financial future, if you feel sweaty and on edge every time you have to make a big purchase, or if you lie awake at night wondering if you’ll have enough to send your kid to college, it’s likely because your money habits...

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