5 Expert-Approved Tips To Guide You Through A Late-Stage Career Transition


So, you’re nearing retirement and want to make an impact before leaving. 

It’s almost like when music artists are asked to come back on stage after an electric performance for one last hurrah. Sounds like you’re gearing up for an “encore” career!  

Maybe you’ve been looking forward to retirement and hoping that you’ll finally be able to relax and do whatever you want. But many people retire only to discover boredom that is unbearable and unfulfilling. 

The good news is that you can do things differently! You can make an impact! You can enjoy an encore career where you love what you do, make a difference, and achieve financial freedom. All you need is some focus and a solid savings plan. And these tips will give you a plan that will work! 

You may wonder if you’ll ever be able to stop working so much and still be secure about your finances. You may not be sure about changing your career while you still...

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Why I Won't Panic When an Emergency Happens. Here's How!

Bad Things Happen in Life

Picture these scenarios 

  • Your car gets a flat as you drive to your cousin's wedding in the middle of nowhere
  • Your dentist lets you know you need a root canal and a crown in January
  • The old refrigerator feels like Miami inside as you go to pull out a cold drink
  • Your boss says, “Thank you for your time here. I’ll write a reference if you need one.” on November 15th, just in time for the holidays

Here’s the bad news: These types of emergencies happen to people everyday and we all know (even if we would like to deny it) that eventually, some unexpected expense will inflict itself on us. Often these events throw us into intense, heart pounding panic and stress. 

But here’s the good news: You can downgrade the emergencies to inconveniences by planning ahead and having an emergency fund in place. You will be able to sleep soundly at night knowing you are prepared to handle whatever life throws at you.

What is an Emergency...

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What Is A Financial Accountability Coach?

Most people believe that to win with money, you need to be naturally good at numbers, investing wisely and slapping your wrist when you want to eat out for the 5th time in a week. 

But wealth-building and financial fulfillment involve a lot more than just numbers and sacrifice. 

Your attitudes and behaviors around money are shaped by your life experiences, your relationship with scarcity and abundance, the conversations around money that took place around you as a child, and many, many other subtle and invisible factors.

These internalized money mindsets can, in turn, impact your approach to money and impair your peace, happiness and well-being in ways you may not even recognize.

For instance, if you and your partner frequently argue about your financial future, if you feel sweaty and on edge every time you have to make a big purchase, or if you lie awake at night wondering if you’ll have enough to send your kid to college, it’s likely because your money habits...

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